When Kim Justice wrote, “Secrets,
memories, a family torn apart, love, discovery, a life-long dream; how do all
these things come together for Naomi? How does a naïve, fifteen-year-old girl
grow up in a world that she knows nothing about and has no one to guide her? I
was so engrossed in Naomi’s life that putting the book down was next to
impossible. I would read in the evening so I could have quiet time to try solve
or work with Naomi on how to get through something until, unable to sleep, I
would have to get up and finish that part of the book. It did take me a little
while to read because I savored every word, sentence, and chapter. All of the
characters were amazing. The biblical references were so to the point that I
would do some research of my own. I was really interested in the facts of the
book. The different cultures were so real that I learned how different things
are. I will not go any further because I do not want to give away anymore about
the book. It is definitely a must read! Author Paula Rose Michelson is an
awesome author. I cannot wait till her next book is out,” I praised God for
only He could have made the heart of the matter jump off the page like this!
Although I often thought of writing something
others might read, when I began my writing, more than 30 years ago, I had no
intention of ever begin published. However, my silent life long dream of being
published was realized when I gave my life to Messiah, and he did with it was
He chose.
If you find yourself dreaming, wishing,
or praying for significance, I hope you will ask the one who created you what He
would like you to do, peruse as He directs, and then give Him all the praise
and glory!
Till we
meet again, may Messiahs Shalom envelope you.
Purchase a prerelease copy of Casa de
Naomi: The House of Blessing, Book Two visit:
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