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Scavenger Hunt - Week Two, by Paula Rose Michelson

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Since it's always important to understand why characters do what they did, today's question deals with Naomi's background. As before, you can visit Casa de Naomi Reflections for the information, or buy the novel so you can answer this question.

What happened in Spain hundreds of years before Naomi was born to make her family insist they not tell people that they were...?

If you can fill in the missing word, you'll be close to answering this weeks question.

The Scavenger Hunt Begins, by Paula Rose Michelson

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Since some of you regularly visit my Casa de Naomi Reflections Blog, I wanted to mention that the answers to the questions I’ve posted here will be found there. If haven’t joined the throng until now, you’ll find the answers to my questions at http://Casa de or you can buy and enjoy your copy of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing Book One while you're involved in this hunt from my Paula Wordsmith Website at or any other online bookseller.

Question One

Why did Naomi run away from home?

When you’ve got the answer, be sure to email me.

In Him,
Paula Michelson

Casa de Naomi Fulfillment Scavenger Hunt , by Paula Rose Michelson

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Since this is a new blog, and many have read or are reading Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing, Book One, I'm glad you've dropped by and hope you'll decided to participate in the scavenger hunt that'll be occurring between now and the release of the second book of the Casa Saga. To play, all you have to do is visit this blog weekly for hints. To understand what they mean, you'll have to refer to Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing, Book so be sure you have one handy because the person who wins will get an author inscribed copy of Casa de Naomi: THe House of Blessing, Book Two

Choosing a Template, by Paula Rose Michelson

I think it was Shakespeare, who said, "...a rose by any other name would smell as..."

"As what?" I wonder.

And as always, it is in the asking that I am lead. So I'm certain that those who know me, and my many readers who understand me through my work, realize that I try to follow Messiah. Therefore, it wasn't by happenstance that I searched for and found an image that speaks of the ending of Casa de Naomi: The House of Blessing Book One. For at the end of that book we see our newlyweds, of less than a week, are estranged. Just as the locket pictured on this blog has no picture within it, one wonders if these star-crossed lovers will carry the picture of the one they pledge to love, honor, and obey in their heart. If they do perhaps they will be able to reconcile and unite. That's the question book two answers.

Today! by Paula Rose Michelson

A few days ago, I was wondering when I should begin the Casa de Naomi Fulfillment Blog. Then, as often happens to me when I am still, God reminded me that these novel, and the blogs that I've been writing are not about me, but about Him and You! So today, I'm happy to announce the opening of the second blog in the Casa Saga, and pleased that doing this early will allow us to spend time together before the second book's release, which I'm praying will be in time for holiday gift giving.

If you've stumbled across this blog and would like to read what's posted at Casa de Naomi Reflections Blog please visit To read my Year of 5,000 Books Blog visit http://PaulaWordsmith, to visit my website enter

Until we meet again, may Messiah's Shalom (peace) envelope you