It seems that no matter where we go, what nationality we come
from, or what faith we follow there’s always a matchmaker. In our youth, we
might have been paired—matched-up—with someone to learn to square-dance. Later
we may have been instructed to stand next to so-an-so (another way of being
matched-up-with someone) in the back row so everyone could been seen in the
Within every group we’ve been part of fragment groups already existed or soon would. From the nerds to the suffer dudes, from the preppies to those who dressed in goth-black each person has a deep desire to be an individual yet a member of a group that not only defines them but sees them as one to be emulated!
Within every group we’ve been part of fragment groups already existed or soon would. From the nerds to the suffer dudes, from the preppies to those who dressed in goth-black each person has a deep desire to be an individual yet a member of a group that not only defines them but sees them as one to be emulated!
Taking Naomi as our example, this woman who many wish to emulate
is a puzzle to the attorney, but one he’ll rectify when Naomi does…
Scavenger Hunt Questions
Why is the attorney trying to find Naomi a husband?
Why has the priest told the attorney that he’s no longer
interested in his schemes?
Why does Naomi agree to meet the man the attorney has selected,
and why after many failed attempts at matchmaking why does he believe this is
the man for her?
Proverbs 31: 30-31 “Many
women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is
fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is
to be praised. Honor her for all
that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Until next time may you hunt for that
which is elusive, and when you find it, may you...